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Multilingual Surveys
Daria Zakrzewska avatar
Written by Daria Zakrzewska
Updated over a week ago

In our panel you can create one survey in many different languages.

Thanks to this, respondents will be able to choose the language in which they want to complete the survey at the beginning of the questionnaire.

How to add a language?

To add another language to your survey, go to the Create tab and select Languages.
Click on the plus icon or on Add translation.

A new column will appear with a drop-down list from which you can select the language you are interested in.

After selecting the language, fields for entering the translated content of questions and answers will appear in the Questions tab. By going to the System messages tab, you can also change the content of messages, hints or other information displayed to the respondent.

To save the added language, click Save.
You can add as many languages ​​as you want. To do this, click on the plus icon again or on Add translation.

How does it work?

After opening the survey link in the browser window, the respondent can select a language from the drop-down list in the upper right corner.

By default, the survey is displayed in the browser language.

You can also send respondents a link to the survey with the appropriate language already selected.
To do this, simply add the parameter ?lang=country symbol to the survey link.

The link will look like this:

Multilingual analysis and comparison

Survey results in all added languages ​​are available in the Results tab. Each language is assigned an attribute - Survey language.
To filter respondents' responses based on their language selection, use filters.
Click on More filters and select the Survey language attribute.

Select the language for which you want to analyze. Click on Apply.

If you want to compare how respondents answered depending on their chosen language, use the Respondent groups comparison, where you can quickly compare results based on the attribute Survey Language.

Click on Add comparison.

Select Respondents groups.

From the list, select which question you want to analyze. Then select the attribute to compare - Survey language.

In the next step, select which languages you want to compare. A search field is available to search for attribute values, or you can click on the relevant checkbox or select all languages by clicking on Select all.

Once you have made your selection, click on Apply.

A chart will appear comparing respondents' answers for each selected language. There is information about the language next to each graph and in the table.

You can save the results with aplied filters and added comaprisons as a new report.

The Survey language attribute is also visible in the Responses tab, for each response that has selected the survey language. Responses that were collected before languages ​​were added to the survey do not contain this attribute.

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