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This article describes how to configure Startquestion to run a survey on a group of CINT respondents.

Artur Zbiejcik avatar
Written by Artur Zbiejcik
Updated over 11 months ago

In a very simplified way, the integration with CINT comes down to transferring the survey link to CINT and placing three respondent's "return addresses" in the Startquestion, so that it is possible to record the end of the survey in CINT.

These are three URLs:


The respondent who has completed the entire questionnaire will be sent to this URL


The respondent who does not match our target group perfectly will be sent to this URL CINT does not know everything about its respondents. Therefore, in your questionnaire you have to perform additional "screening" of the respondent by asking him additional questions which will qualify him for the study or exclude him.

If the respondent does not match the target group perfectly, we send him/her to this address in order to signal to CINT that the respondent was willing to take part in the survey, but that the respondent does not fully suit us and only needs "consolation points"


In the study, we certainly only want to collect a certain number of fillings. Or maybe even a certain number of fillings in individual groups (for example, age groups).

After all, you do not have an unlimited budget and you will not pay all of the respondents who want to participate in the survey. And that's what the quoting is for. We will send to this URL the respondents who match our target group, but who did not "get" the survey, because we have already collected a sufficient number of fillings in a given group (for example, age).

In such a situation, the Startquestion has to know how many respondents we would like to examine. If such a number is reached, then Startquestion will not let the respondent into the survey, but will send him back to the above-mentioned URL.

Two configuration options

Each survey performed on the test panel such as CINT has to have questions:

  1. screening

  2. quoting

Screening allows respondents who match the target group.

Quoting makes sure to complete the collection of responses at the right moment.

Depending on the study, a screening and quoting question may be one question or two separate questions.

In this tutorial we will show you how to configure a Startquestion in each of these scenarios.

One screening and one quoting question

After introducing the design of the survey, we need to set the appropriate configuration in it.

Filling statuses

On the basis of various screens, after completing the filling in, CINT receives information about the respondent and about his completion. Thanks to this, the respondent receives an appropriate discount by the panel for filling in his sheet.

  1. The first of the statuses is the Complete status - which is the screen after the end of the full interview.

    The link to this screen has to be set for all those who complete the survey from the start to the finish. To do this, go to the SETTINGS tab--> Survey settings --> Redirect after completion and enter in the Redirect to an external address place:

    2. Another status is the Early Sreenout status - used at the very beginning of the survey for respondents who initially do not meet the assumptions of the study and do not belong to the target group of the surveyed sample. In order to send such respondents to the appropriate screen, in the question which filters the given group, you should add a redirection to the website next to the answers.

    To do this, in the question edition, select the "Jump from selected answer" option:

    Then the column "After selecting" will appear next to all of the answers, in which we can redirect to the website for the cafeteria.

    After selecting a redirection to the website, a screen will appear with a place to enter the URL, in which we add a link to the CINT page

    3. In this step, we set Quota Full, which means, status for respondents who wanted to fill in the questionnaire, but we had already collected a sufficient number of fillings. To do this, set the amounts on the basis of the question that is to determine the number of results collected for a given group of respondents. The instructions for creating amounts can be found here.

    Our example will be built on a sample of quotes based on the same question in which we have already set up the Early Sreenout status. The amount we want to study is 1000 people. In the planned number of respondents, we add more participants, for example: 1,000,000. Why? We'll explain this later on.

    As described above, the sample is to be carried out on 1000 respondents, where we want to test participants aged 18-24 and 25-34, where 500 results are to be collected for each group.

    In the next stage, in the case of using the amounts for the previously set answers (marked in yellow below), we have to redirect the respondent to the screen under the link: Therefore, in the action, after filling in the amounts, we select "Redirect the respondent to an external link" and paste the above mentioned link.

    Now let's come back to why, despite the fact that we only want to collect 1000 results, we have introduced the amount for 1,000,000 respondents. The responses that we do not want to be QuotaFull, as they were redirected to Early Screenout status at an earlier stage are marked in red. Therefore, we designate an amount for these responses that we know will not be met in this study.

    Separate quoting and screening questions

    As in the example above, for one question in which we set the quote and screening screen, we set the Complete status in the survey settings in the same way.

    In the case of the Early sreenout and Quota Full statuses, this time the example will show two separate questions.

    1. Early sreenout - in the first example, we set up a redirection to the website in the AGE question, where we want to pass only people aged 18-24 and 25-34 to the next part of the survey. In this case, we do the same by directing the remaining respondents to the website:

    2. Quota Full - In this step, as in the previous example, we want to collect the results from 1000 respondents aged 18-24 and 25-34, but the question which will be determined by this amount will be the question about the city. Therefore, we enter the value 1000 in the "Planned number of respondents" field and select the checkbox next to the "City" question.

    After selecting the NEXT button, we will set a redirection to an external link, which, if a given amount is used, will direct the respondent to the page:

Survey settings

1. Access Settings - Set Personal link for each respondent. As a result, a given respondent will be able to complete the questionnaire only once.

Please remember to turn on respondent identification, to be able to download users' identificators.

2. The link to the survey:

In order for the integration between Startquestion and CINT to work properly, you have to provide the appropriate parameters in the link to the survey. Thanks to this, CINT will be able to know what screen the respondent has hit. The USER TOKEN parameter can be added to the link.

where, the string of the characters added after the equal sign is the ID of the respondent assigned in the CINT panel. Thanks to this ID, CINT, after redirecting the respondent to various screens, for example, QuotaFull, will know if and how a given respondent is to be rewarded for completing a given questionnaire.

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