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Artur Zbiejcik avatar
Written by Artur Zbiejcik
Updated over a week ago

The survey settings allow you to set the basic parameters of the survey on the website.

Below we describe the next four settings sections:

The project's name

Here you can change the name of the project which appears in the management panel. This name will not appear anywhere as part of the site's survey.

If you want to add the syrvey's title, you have to do it in the Designe tab.

After completing the survey

In this section, you decide whether, after completing the survey, the respondent will see a standard thank you screen (this can be defined in the Create tab), or whether you want to redirect the respondent to a website address.

HINT!: The website address may also be a link to another survey to which you would like to invite the respondent.

In this case, an on-site survey can only be a "warm-up" or an invitation to a larger survey.

Scheduled ending

This section will allow you to define when the collection of the results in your survey will be automatically terminated. You can do this in two cases:

1. On a fixed day at a fixed time

2. When a certain number of fillings is reached


You can disable (enable) the preview of your survey on the website at any time. The preview allows you to see "live" what changes appear in the survey as a result of making changes to the settings.

On this screen, only the changes in the "After completing the survey" section affect the maintenance of the popup preview with the survey.

What is next?

More settings can be found in the Display rules, which we write about on the website:

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