In the beginning You have to realise, that this is the most important part during survey creation. Startquestion tool allows you to add any number of questions in a different formats. It is worth remembering that the more questions you will add, the more information you will get from the respondents. However, you should be careful – too many questions are also not desirable, especially in online surveys. You also shouldn’t ignore the need to match the format of the question to the content it contains.
How to add a question to the survey?
Click the „Create” tab, then „Add question or text"
2. Select the type you want from the list of available questions, select a question from the available templates, or copy one of your own surveys.
Available types of questions
Introductory text – generally used for introducing general or specific instructions for respondents and explain them the subject under study.
Single choice question – the respondent can choose one of the answers that the author has included in the question, eg Give your gender: male, female.
Multiple choice question – the respondent may choose several answers from the available options, e.g. Which of the following brands are known to you?
Single choice matrix question – a respondent in a given row (referring to one issue), has the opportunity to choose one term, which in his opinion is the most accurate, eg Do you like summer – Definitely yes, Rather yes, I can’t say, Probably not, Definitely not.
Multiple choice matrix question – the examined person may mark several answers in one row (which refer to one issue), eg give yours education (basic, secondary, higher) give your mother’s education; give your father’s education.
Open matrix question – allows the respondent to enter any answer in each cell of the matrix, for example if in the columns we ask questions about the types of respondents expenses (food, clothes, entertainment, etc.), and in the lines of quarters or months, the surveyed can enter the level of his expenses into specific categories in specific periods.
NPS question – the question using the Net Promoter Score methodology is the satisfaction of a product, service or process. It consists in asking a question about the willingness to recommend a company to a family or friends and answering the scale 0-10. The NPS index, number of critics, promoters and neutral are calculated based on the frequency of responses.
Open question – allows free speech on a given topic, eg. What kind of changes should you make in your company?
Ranking question – the respondent is asked to set the hierarchy / order of responses, by changing the location and the number of the answer, eg. Arrange chronologically given historical events.
The drag and drop question – enables a more interactive and engaging user to ask the respondent to assign text responses or images to the appropriate groups.
Points allocation – a question in which the task of the respondent is to divide the number of points specified by us into all available answers.
Drop-down list – the respondent chooses one of the options given – eg Month of birth. This type of question is actually the same as single choice question.
Form – a question consisting of several statements, in which the respondent is asked, for example, to provide personal data – name, surname, job, etc.
Slider questions (scales) – allows you to respond to the question on the scale you specify, eg How many cigarettes a day you smoke – from „not at all” to „a lot”.
Numerical question – the respondent can only enter in the answer number, it is not possible to enter letters, eg. How old are you working in our company?
E-mail address question – the respondent in this type of question is asked to provide an e-mail address. The field has automatically set validation to the appropriate e-mail address format.
Date question – the surveyed person is asked to enter a specific date (choose by means of a calendar), eg the date of his birthday.
Rating – the respondent responds to the question asked by rating – issuing an appropriate number of stars, eg. How do you rate our Customer Service?
Attaching a file – allows you to attach a file to the questionnaire (in formats such as doc, xls, pdf or jpg), which is especially useful while we would like to add a CV, photo or other document.
After selecting the question format, complete the required fields marked with a red asterisk.
Additional options in the form field are available for various types of settings related to the presentation and logic of questions, such as the ability to rotate responses, which question is mandatory etc. More information about individual options can be found by hovering over the grey question mark located next to particular function.
Enter all answers in right turn or if you have an external survey file (eg a Word document) paste all the answers at once.
If you have an answer that requires the respondent to enter your own text, e.g. „Other (what?)”, Check the box next to „Custom answer”.
If you want to set the logic of the transition to another page after selecting a specific answer, select it from the list, but remember to add before the pages to which you want to redirect the respondent.
Save changes by clicking SAVE.
Worth to remember
New questions can be added at any time during the survey, as well as additional answers to previously created questions.
After adding a question, you can not change its type. If you want to change the type, delete the question and add a new one.
During new question creation, you can copy the answers used in other questions in your questionnaires using the function: „Copy answer from another question”.
Instead of creating a question from the beginning, you can copy the question from your other questionnaires or from generally available question templates.
If you delete a question in which you have already collected the answers, they will be automatically removed with the question. The situation is similar in case of removing individual answers.