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Categories of data subjects
Categories of data subjects
Adam Żołądź avatar
Written by Adam Żołądź
Updated over a year ago

Due to the fact that administrators (or if you act on behalf of such an administrator - processors) use services provided uniformly based on regulations or cooperation agreement, the categories of data subjects will be as follows.

All categories of processing are carried out on behalf of the relevant administrator and for the purpose of providing the service of using the Startquestion platform.

1. persons to whom e-mails are addressed, including surveys (data of invitation recipients)

2. people filling out surveys or widgets (respondent data)

3. people whose data appear in completed surveys or widgets (data from questionnaires)

4. persons who are to be granted specific rights defined by the Client, including the right to receive notifications in the form of alerts or reports (data of recipients of alerts and reports)

These key groups of people may include, for example, your employees, customers or potential customers, and the scope of data regarding each of these groups of people may vary.

In our DPA contract template, we indicate the type of data and their scope to the extent that may appear during their processing in the Startquestion. But the final decision regarding this scope - as we wrote above - rests solely with you, as our client entrusting us with data processing.

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