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Periodic surveys
Magdalena Żądkowska avatar
Written by Magdalena Żądkowska
Updated over 2 years ago

You no longer need to remember to restart the survey. The survey will appear on the site every number of days you choose, and you can fully focus on drawing conclusions from the collected data 🚀

A new feature in the website survey (feedback widget) will allow you to conduct periodic surveys such as user satisfaction surveys, interface usability or NPS measured on the website.

With this feature, you can choose what time you want the survey to appear on the website, when the user fills out the survey and when they don't fill it out.

How to turn on the periodic survey feature?

You can enable the feature in a survey on the site by going to the Collect tab and then Survey Behavior.

  1. First, decide whether you want the survey to display until the user completes it or only once.

  2. Then check the "Show again" option and decide after what time you want the survey to appear, for example, every 30 days.

  3. For the "Display survey only once" setting, you can also decide after what time you want the survey to reappear if the user does not complete the survey (e.g. every 3 days).

How does the periodic survey function work?

The survey completion information is saved in the user's web browser. When the user enters the site, it is checked whether he or she filled out the survey and when. If the time selected by you has elapsed since the survey was completed or not completed (depending on your settings), the survey is displayed again, the completion information is overwritten and the time is counted anew.

Remember: If a user opens your site on a different device or browser, they will be treated as a new visitor and the survey will display.

What if I've already have results collected in my survey?

If there are already results collected in your survey and you turn on the recurring survey feature, the survey will reappear to all the people who filled out surveys before the feature was enabled. The completion information will not be saved in the browser data until you enable the feature.


Adam started collecting results on the site on September 1. On September 3, he turned on the display of the survey every 30 days. Between September 1 and 3, the survey collected 10 completions. When he turns on the feature, the survey will also display again to those who completed it between September 1 and September 3. As a result, Adam can collect responses from the same people twice in his survey. The next time the survey will appear after 30 days.

How do I turn off the cyclical collection of results?

If you no longer want to collect the results automatically, just uncheck the option (checkbox) "When a user completes the survey, show again every __ days" and "When a user does not complete the survey, show again every __ days", or disable the collection of results completely, to do so, go to the Collect tab and uncheck Collecting in progress toggle.

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