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How to carry out a 360 Evaluation
Artur Zbiejcik avatar
Written by Artur Zbiejcik
Updated over a week ago

The 360-degree evaluation consists in collecting feedback on the effectiveness of the assessed person's behavior from many sources - from himself, from his superiors, subordinates and colleagues. It is a process in which the self-assessment of specific skills is compared with the assessment of those skills by other people who observe the work of the assessed person on a daily basis.
With the help of our website, it is possible to carry out a 360 Evaluation survey. It is enough to prepare one questionnaire to be able to easily evaluate the employees and their superiors.

1. Assessment Questionnaire

In the first instance, it is very important to prepare an assessment questionnaire.

The 360 Evaluation measures specific skills. Therefore, in order for the questions measuring a given skill to count the points that the person obtained during the assessment, select "Knowledge test / quiz" when choosing the type of questionnaire you want to create.

For example, a 360 Evaluation survey introduction might look like this:

You will find help on how to correctly enter the questions into the questionnaire in our guide.

Then, it is necessary to assign points to the answers in Responses.

After entering all the questions and assigning scores to the answers, it is important to define the appropriate survey settings (Settings -> Survey settings tab).

In order to properly conduct the 360 Assessment, the option of individual links for each respondent should be selected.
Thanks to this, it is possible to identify the person being assessed and evaluating.

The other settings can be changed depending on your own preferences or the needs of the examination.

We have the assessment questionnaire ready, so we can proceed to configure further settings in the system that will allow us to conduct the 360 Evaluation.

2. Excel file

The second step will be to properly construct an excel file with the data we need to make the entire process of sending invitations to complete the course evaluation questionnaires correctly.

Each person has to evaluate both his co-workers, superiors, subordinates and himself, so it is extremely important that the Excel file contains all the necessary data in order to determine further correct system settings.

The file has to contain primarily the data of the person who will be making the evaluation and the data of the person who will be evaluating.

In order to properly configure and have the largest amount of data, it is worth specifying the relationship in which the assessment is made in the file.

Sample Excel file:

Important: column A contains the e-mail addresses of the people who will be making the assessment. In the case of evaluation of a dozen or so people, these addresses will be repeated, because a given person has to make several assessments - of their colleagues, superiors or their own self-evaluation.

The next step is to import the file prepared in this way to the website.

(Share tab -> Custom distribution -> Import from file)

All data will be entered into the system, and a token will be automatically generated for each e-mail address (a code that will be included in the link to fill in a given evaluation questionnaire).

This is where you will later be able to verify who has and who has not completed the questionnaire.

This kind of controll will allow a later evaluation reminder to be sent to people who do not do so within the originally specified time frame.

3. "Who am I evaluating?"

Before we send out invitations to fill in the survey, it is worth adding at the beginning of the evaluation questionnaire the information about what the survey is about and who will be assessed by the person. Thanks to this, the person making the assessment will not have to think about who is currently assessing, as this information will appear immediately at the beginning of filling in the evaluation questionnaire.

To do this, add a new questionnaire page in the "Create" tab (move it to the beginning of the survey using page sorting), and then add a "Text" question.

You can include research information or any content you wish to convey to the employee.

Additionally, include the following information:

You are currently evaluating an employee:

โ€‹In relation to:

And then insert the "Tag" according to the data you want to include next to the specific content.

Thanks to this solution, a given person, after clicking on the link that he will receive in the e-mail, will display the name and surname of the person being assessed and the relationship in which he is with the given employee. This functionality is possible due to the fact that in the Excel file we have placed the necessary data next to each e-mail address (indication of the name and surname of the person being assessed, as well as the professional relationship in which he is with the person).

We can also include similar information in the content of the invitation to complete the evaluation questionnaire.

4. Sending out the invitations

We already have the evaluation questionnaire ready, the imported file with the necessary data, so we can start sending invitations to employees.

Go to the Share -> Send via e-mail tab (we have all imported data) and then click Configure mailing.

In the next step, you can define whether you want to send invitations to all of the respondents or to the selected respondents.

Select the option "I want to send invitations to all of the respondents on my list" so that all people will receive invitations immediately.

Now you can configure the invitation by specifying the title of the message, its content and, if necessary, add your company logo.

In the title, you can enter "Employee 360 Evaluation", and in the content you can invite employees to the Employee 360 Evaluation Study, taking into account the detailed information about the purpose of the study and how important it is to assess employees in order to improve the organization's processes in the company.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes the company sends out a separate message before sending out the invitations to participate in the survey. It contains information about the conducted research and an announcement that employees will receive several e-mails with links to evaluate individual persons. Then, when creating this content of the invitation, you do not have to take into account the detailed information, but only the data of who the given assessment applies to, so that the employee, when opening a given e-mail, knows who he will be assessing.

In the invitation, a given person will receive an individual link to the assessment of a specific employee in a specific relationship. Therefore, it is also worth indicating in the message who will be the subject of this particular assessment.

By inserting the appropriate "Dynamic content", each employee will receive an e-mail with information about whom he will evaluate and what professional relationship he is with a given person.

IMPORTANT: The invitation has to definitely contain a link to the survey. You can give information in front of the [LINK] value, for example, "To make an evaluation, click on the link."

If you have configured the content of the invitation, you can save the invitation template so that you can use it in future sendings (for example, When sending reminders to people who do not complete the survey).

Click "Send" and the invitations will be sent to everyone in the imported list.

5. Evaluation reminder

If you haven't collected all of your scores after a certain amount of time, you can send a message to the people who haven't scored to remind them to evaluate.

To do this, you have to go to the "Collecting" -> "Send to e-mail" tab.

You'll see all the data which you originally imported into the site, along with information about which people evaluated and which people did not.

Click "Set up sending" again, and in the next step select the type of sending - "I want to send reminders to those who received the invitation but did not complete the survey".

After clicking continue, you will be taken to the creation of the invitation content. If you saved the invitation template that you created during the original sending, you can reuse it by selecting the saved invitation. Of course you can edit them by adding reminding information.

After clicking "Send", the invitations will be sent again to people who have not assessed.

Now, all you have to do is wait for all employees to make an employee evaluation, and then, based on the results, they will receive extremely valuable development tips and motivating to introduce changes in the organization.

6. Analysis of the results

After all of the employees have been assessed, you can proceed to the next important stage - the analysis of the results.

In the "RESULTS" tab, you will find both the collective results of the survey and responses

However, the most important issue is the evaluation of the employee. How do I download a report containing the complete evaluation of a specific employee? We need to start by creating the right filters.

To do this, go to the "Results" -> "Filters" -> "Create a new filter" tab.

A field for entering the conditions of the filter will appear.

Now you will define filters for the results for specific employees.

In the first position, select "the name and surname of the evaluated person", in the second "is equal", and in the last one, enter the name and surname of the employee (exactly the same that was indicated in the data file that you imported to the website).

Save the filter, preferably by naming it with the employee's first and last name, so it will be easier to filter the data again if needed.

The results will be filtered according to the filter you have set.

Now you can download a report with the results of the employee evaluation in various formats (Excel, Word, PDF).

You have to create such filters for each employee as many as there are competences (for example, 3) plus two additional ones - a general filter, thanks to which you will be able to see how the employee was evaluated in general, without distinguishing a specific competence, and a self-evaluation filter. For example, below you can see how to create an employee self evaluation filter:

In a similar way, you can create result filters for each employee, so that it will be possible to verify the evaluation of individual employees at any time.

Have you finished creating the questionnaire, and even - collected all the results? Great! Yet, this is just the beginning. The most important task ahead of you - the analysis of the results and creating a report. You can do it in two ways - create a report yourself, using the option to export raw data from individual filters from the survey and create a personal statement of results based on them, or commission it to our team.

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