If you want to display different "thank you" pages depending on the answers provided, our project has to be a test.
If you have created your project as a survey, you need to change the survey type settings to "Test/Evaluation".
Create -> Survey settings -> Survey type
Then, you must assign points to the question that should affect your feedback screen. In this case, we will use the NPS question - you must give one point for each answer.
To do this, click on the points button (it will appear in the top right corner when you hover over the question)
Fill the form with the points and click on Save:
The next step will be adding the Areas.
You can add areas in the tab Create -> Feedback -> Add new area.
Your first area will be called "Promoter" and include only people who chose answers 9-10.
We add a name and mark positions 9 and 10 in the NPS question, then click "Save and add next".
Now add a second area - it won't be surprising that you should name it "Detractors" and mark the answers from 0 to 6.
Now that you have the areas, you must create the feedback logic. Go back to Settings -> Feedback, and then click on "Add new feedback":
Our first feedback is the text displayed on the thank you page to our Promoters.
Therefore, give the name of the Promoters, and set the condition that the feedback will appear to our Promoters, as in the picture below:
For the selected area (in single-choice questions), the sum of points equals the number 1.
Save the feedback and create new feedback - this time, it will be a thank you for completing the survey displayed to Detractors.
The conditions are set in the same way as for the Promoters, this time for the Critics area:
Then, although you do not have the Neutral area, you need to set the feedback to Passives:
Passives are neither critics nor promoters, so we set the condition that for the promoter area and the critic area, the absolute value (points) equals 0.
We also emphasize that both conditions must be met.
Go to the Create tab, and click on the Edit option on the "thank you" page (at the bottom of the questionnaire). We delete the previous text and insert the Feedback from the list:
As a result, each group of respondents will receive personal feedback on the "thank you" page.