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Where do generatet information about the respondent's attributes?
Where do generatet information about the respondent's attributes?
Artur Zbiejcik avatar
Written by Artur Zbiejcik
Updated over a week ago

Do you identify respondents in your survey and want to know where to see the attributes of a given respondent after survey completion?

There are two places on the Startquestion platform where you can find information about your respondent.

  1. The RESULTS tab -> Responses

    After completing the survey by your respondent and finding this questionnaire in the "Responses" tab, the information about the labels assigned to its completion is displayed at the very bottom of the page:

  2. Raw data - RESULTS tab -> Results -> Export -> Raw data

    Respondent's attributes and answers to its completion are stored in the "Raw data" report directly before columns that contain its anwers.


The information about the respondent attributes appears only when the survey has individual links enabled for each respondent and the respondent's identification is turned on in the SETTINGS tab.

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