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Export of the results
Artur Zbiejcik avatar
Written by Artur Zbiejcik
Updated over a month ago

Using the possibility of exporting the results, we can save the data from the results of the survey on the hard drive of our computer. The export also allows you to analyse this data using your own extensive tools.

It is also a way to access the survey results after the end of the subscription period.


SPSS is a statistical package which allows you to create a detailed regression analysis, analysis of the variance or correlation in a set of collected data. Therefore, it is an advanced computer program used for a detailed analysis of the results of a given study.

Raw data

The data collected in the study, implemented into a statistical package or another computer program, in which they are cleaned, supplemented and a static analysis. These are all replies obtained from each of the respondents to the questions contained in the entire questionnaire.

Raw data is most conveniently viewed and analysed in a spreadsheet. These are Microsoft Excel, Number, or Open Office Calc.

In order to facilitate the analysis of the results collected in the form of the raw data, we have prepared some information. The first is about what columns are there in the raw data. They are:

1. Basic information about the filling and the respondent:

  • No.

  • ID.

  • Start date

  • Finish date

  • Total filling time

  • Actual filling time

  • Time of filling page no. X

  • Points earned (test only)

  • Maximum number of points to earn (test only)

  • Percentage result (test only)

  • External identifier (only when there are fills with the external_key parameter)

  • Token (only when the security level is the highest and the survey is not anonymous)

  • User token / E-mail (only when an individual link for each of the respondents is enabled and the identification of respondents is enabled) - the column depends on the method of generating the tokens

  • Contact labels (fields - label)

  • Verification code (only when the post-fill verification is enabled).

2. Questions with answers (and in-depth / own answers).

3. Weights, areas and feedback (test only):

  • areas list

  • Feedback

  • the score of the weights from all the questions.

Information on filling (only when the individual link for each respondent is disabled):

  • IP address

  • Referrer (Referer)

  • Browser

  • Operating system

  • Filled - PC/mobile

    It is also worth reading the information about the data types in the columns:

  • number (integers only),

  • date - in the Y-m-d format,

  • datetime - in the Y-m-d H:i:s format,

  • string - text format - all the data which has a format other than the above mentioned.

Aggregated results:

This is the data obtained from all respondents, collected in one file. They show the percentage distribution of the responses in the studied sample.

How to export the aggregated results?

1. After the first respondents have completed your survey, click the Results tab, and then click the Results to export the aggregated data.

2. When the cumulative results are loaded, click Export and then select the save format you are interested in and the type of data you need - aggregated results or raw data for the SPSS program. Confirming the appropriate form field will start exporting the file, which will be available for downloading in the Downloads.

How to export a response of a specific respondent?

1. Go to the Results tab, and then click the Responses.

2. Select the sheet you are interested in by clicking Previous / Next, or by expanding the form field and selecting the appropriate sheet number (the numbers correspond to the order of filling in of the survey).

3. In the next step, click Export, and then select the save format you are interested in - XLSX, CSV or PDF. Validating the appropriate form field will generate a file which you can download in the Download Center.

What is worth remembering?

  • The test results can be downloaded in the XLSX or CSV and SPSS (for collective results), or XLSX, CSV and PDF formats (in the case of exporting the results of a single sheet).

  • The export of the survey results enables, among others their subsequent analysis with complex statistical packages.

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