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The appearance
Artur Zbiejcik avatar
Written by Artur Zbiejcik
Updated over a week ago

In the designe tab, you can make any changes to the survey's appearance.

The screen is divided into 4 sections where you can decide on:

You can enable (or disable) the preview of your survey at any time.

The live preview shows how your settings affect the final look of the survey on your website.

The themes

By default, you have two colour schemes available for your survey, the Light and Dark one. After clicking on the appropriate square, you choose the colour scheme for your survey, which is confirmed by the blue dust jacket.

When you hover over the square, the color copy icon also appears so that you can create your own colour scheme adapted to the colour scheme of your website.

If you want to create your colours from scratch, click on the green plus icon.

In the picture above you can see an additional colour scheme called "My designe". When you move the cursor over the square, a pencil icon (for the colour scheme editing) and the already known copy icon appear.

The survey elements

An additional header

In this section, you can add a header for your survey. The image below shows the result of selecting the "Add Header" option. It's a green bar with the words "Quick Question" on it.

This option will not always be needed/useful. Therefore, if your questions "speak for themselves" then it is worth resigning from the additional heading

The hide the close button

When this option is checked, the cross in the upper right corner will be hidden. Thus, your respondents will not be able to close the survey without filling it.

The only way for the popup to disappear is to complete the survey from the start to the finish.

The size

In this section you can define how wide your popup displaying the survey will be.

The more extensive your questions are, the more you should consider expanding your popup. Just remember not to cover the entire webpage.

The height of the popup will adjust itself to the question on the page. The survey will use the full width, and the height will only be derived from it.

The position on the page

The default popup position on the page is the bottom right corner. But if you want to change this, you can do so in this section. In this example you can see that on one page we have the chat from the Intercom and the survey. By increasing the distance from the edge, we made sure that the survey does not overlap the chat.

Another way would be to set the survey to the top right or bottom left.

If you want to create a popup which pops up in the middle of the page, then set the medium to the center (vertically and horizontally) set a large width of the window. Then no one will escape from your survey ;)

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