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Redirections to other surveys
Artur Zbiejcik avatar
Written by Artur Zbiejcik
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes in one questionnaire you are not able to cover all the questions you would like to know the answer to. This is often in case of a widget which, due to its function, has a limited form. This also often happens when you create surveys in different language versions. Then it is best to use our new function - redirects between surveys.

How does the feature work?

This function allows the respondent to be redirected to another survey after giving a specific answer. For example: we create a questionnaire about eating habits and we study both the English and people from abroad. For this, we will need two language versions of one survey. In order to avoid mistakes when submitting the appropriate version, it is enough to create one questionnaire which will combine both surveys with a question like "Select survey language". After selecting the appropriate language, the respondent will be redirected to the English or other versions of the questionnaire. It's ready!

How to use the redirection between surveys?

First of all, to use the new function you need to create questionnaires to which your respondent will be redirected. Then add a new survey in which you ask a separating question, for example, "Select survey language." Then in the window "After selecting this answer" select the appropriate questionnaire, for example, when answering "Polski" select "Redirect to the survey: Eating habits".

When to use the feature?

We can use the redirection between surveys when creating them in different languages, which we want to combine with one questionnaire, in the way described above. The new feature can also be helpful by using a widget, which is a kind of abbreviated questionnaire where you have the option of creating a single-page survey with several types of questions. It is often an introduction to further studies. The website owner asks a few introductory questions, after which the respondent is redirected to the appropriate, extensive survey.

To set a redirection from the widget to the appropriate questionnaire, go to the "Creation" tab and then select the "Widget settings".

We kindly invite you to use the new function. In case of any doubts, we will be happy to answer all yours questions.

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