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Alert after completion the survey

So how do you find out about completing the survey?

Piotr Sadowski avatar
Written by Piotr Sadowski
Updated over a month ago

Would you like to know how many people and when completed your questionnaire? The Startquestion platform allows you to create different types of alerts that will be sent to an email address of your choice when a survey is completed, sent as a webhook or sent to a Slack channel. You will learn how to create alerts in this manual.

How do I create the alert after completion?

In order to create an alert go to the Create tab, choose Alerts and webhooks and then click the Create a new alert.

By default, the alert will be sent to the account owner, but you can change this by deleting the addressee and adding another or more recipients. Remember to separate them with a comma or semicolon when adding more than one email address.

How do I create the alert after completion that meets the filter condition?

To set up an alert that meets certain criteria, go to Advanced settings in the top right corner and set the appropriate condition. This may be a new completion,

or a new completion that meets the specified filter. To add a filter, click Add filter...

You can filter completion by a specific response, by the time of the completion, by added tags or by respondent attributes.

The next step is to determine when the system should check a given completion and send an alert - after the respondent has completed the survey or after the survey author has saved the changes made to a given sheet in the Responses tab.

How do I change the title and text of the alert after completion?

After selecting the Advanced settings, you can change the title of the alert.

If the default alert template is not enough for you, you can also edit its content and enrich the notification of the respondents' answers to individual questions. To do this, click Edit text.

How do I save the alert after completion?

Remember to save the changes after making them. Click Save at the bottom.

A correctly saved alert will appear in the list of alerts and will be active.

Alert as webhook

If your application has the appropriate endpoint issued, i.e. a URL that can be referenced in a structured way, then you can provide the alert with a webhook.

This is how an example of a webhook passed to

Alert to Slack channel

You can also send an alert to the popular Slack messenger.

To send alerts to Slack, click the link highlighted in the text:

Then add the application name and choose the used Workspace.

After creating the application, it should be from the Incoming Webhooks tab select the incoming webhook integration option.

After selecting the channel, click the Add Incoming Webhooks Integration option.

After adding this integration you will receive a link to the webhook:

After entering this address to the Address Webhook Slack, adding the Name of channel and clicking Save, alerts will come to the channel indicated on Slack.

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