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Zapier forms – how to collect data from surveys to Google Sheets
Zapier forms – how to collect data from surveys to Google Sheets
Piotr Sadowski avatar
Written by Piotr Sadowski
Updated over a week ago

Data collected by surveys and tests can be automatically transferred to Google Sheets. This is a special convenience for those who use the Google Suite, e.g. in a company. In this way, the data will be easily accessible and ready for further processing and analysis.

For transferring data from the form created on the Startquestion to Google Sheets, we will use a simple tool that will serve as a „relay” between the Startquestion and Google – a free Zapier tool. To be specific, in all article below we will call surveys which results are transformed directly to Google Sheets the „zapier forms”.

Step 1 – Choose or create a survey from which you’ll be forwarding data to Google Sheets

We want to pass responses from these two questions form Your form to Google Sheets. The survey that the person completing will look like this:

Step 2 – Select or create a Google Sheets document to which you will submit data from the survey

As an example, we will use a simple document called „Healthy eating” in which we defined two column headers: Do you eat healthy (A1), How many meals (B1):

Step 3 – We connect Startquestion with Google Sheets using the Zapier forms

Go to and start registering a new account. It’s important to register via this link, so we’ll automatically go to the connection configuration form -> Google Sheets. After registration, the initial screen will appear:

We go to the next steps – click „Create this Zap”. This screen will appear:

Select the „Catch Hook” option and click „Continue”. In this step, we don’t define the „Pick off …” fields and move on.

At this point, we received a unique link, called a webhook that listens if new data from the Startquestion is coming to this link. We click „Copy to clipboard”. In a separate browser tab, go to the Startquestion panel to the Create -> Alerts and webhooks -> Create a new alert.

We define the name of the alert, e.g. „Forwarding data to Google Sheets” or „Zapier forms”and select „Send as Webhook” as the forwarding channel.

Then paste the link received in Zapier into the „Web Address” field.

At the end of the address we write? Q1 = [ANS_1] & q2 = [ANS_2]. This record allows you to provide Google Sheets with answers to the three questions we ask (ANS_1, ANS_2).

You can provide a lot of additional data – their full list can be found under the green „data list” link located under the field in which you enter these values.

Click „Save” to create a new alert and start submitting form data to Google Sheets.

Step 4 – Complete the survey / Zapier form

Let’s create new, easier questionnaire to help You better understand the process. It could look like this:

We enter our survey and complete it with sample data to activate the alert. In our case, we are completing it with the data „Marek Nowak”:

Step 5 – We start configuring Google Sheets

We return to the tab with Zapier configuration. We finished on this screen:

Then click „OK, I did this”. If the alert has been set up correctly, a confirmation screen will appear:

Click „Continue” and this screen will appear:

Click „Connect an Account”. At this point, we will be asked to choose the Google account on which the Google Sheets document we created is located. We choose an account and allow access to the application:

Click „Allow”. After allowing the screen will appear:

Than click „Save + Continue”. The screen will look like this:

Here we indicate our Spreadsheet: Data from the Startquestion (in the place: Dane z Webankiety on the screen above). Worksheet is a sheet to which we will send data from the form (Sheet1 – here Arkusz1). The following fields should load the previously defined columns: Name and surname, E-mail address and Training day.

Click „Continue”. The screen will appear to you:

If everything has been done correctly, a new completion should pop into our document. Click „Finish” to complete the configuration:

Step 6 – you should check if the completed zapier form has been subscribed to Google Sheets

In this step you should go to our document: „Data from Startquestion”. You should see there the first completion:

From now on, every respondent who completes the form will automatically be forwarded to Google Sheets.

If you want to see how it works in practice (in Polish), go to the form:

and there you can see your completion

We used Webhook technology throughout the above process. It is a very flexible model for transferring information from one online tool to another. Using a webhook, you can transfer data from the form not only to Google Sheets – e.g. to Gmail, calendar, Trello, Asana, JIRA, etc. You can find the full list here:

If you need help or any of the configuration points is unclear to you, contact us via chat – we’ll be happy to help!

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