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Written by Piotr Sadowski
Updated over a week ago

Rankings creation is an option that allows you to list all answers from different types of questions (single choice, multiple choice, list type questions, drag and drop questions (DnD) and single choice matrix questions), data segments and tags with an Net Promoter Score question.

This function is especially useful when there is a need to compare large amounts of data. For example, using rankings you can create a list of products in the online store and sort them from the best rated (according to the NPS indicator) to the one with the biggest number of critics. The rankings can also be useful in studies involving a large number of departments or employees. In a word – wherever we study using the Net Promoter Score method, and there are many results and we need to compile them accordingly.

Creating a ranking

1. To create a ranking, go to the Results tab (1), then Collective results (2) on your account on the Startquestion platform.

2. To start creating a ranking, click on green text: Create new ranking.

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3. In the next step you can add the name of your ranking (3).

4. Then choose which of the questions from your survey should be put together in rankings (4) and (5).

5. At any time, you can edit a ranking you created by changing its use or compiled questions.

6. The data of each created ranking can be additionally filtered – in order to select e.g. data from a given period, data only for NPS critics etc. To select the appropriate filter go to the Rankings tab and select the ranking you want to filter (6) and one of previously created filters (7). Learn how to create filters in this article.

After filtering, you can sort the results by NPS Result, Average LTR (i.e. the average of the answers given by respondents in NPS) and the Number of responses (8) by clicking the arrow next to the name of each column. By clicking once the results will sort from highest to highest, and clicking again will display from lowest to highest.

7. The ranking created in this way and sorted according to your needs can be added to the report (9).

Ranking display modes

An another option available in the rankings is the ability to display either non-zero (non-empty) or all rows. To choose one of the available options, go to the „Results” tab and then „Rankings” where all the rankings created so far will be visible.

By default, for rankings created by you so far mode: only non-empty will be on.

When choosing the option: all, if there are zero completions in the whole row then it will be hidden in its entirety – only those rows with any content will be displayed. The report with the selected view can be added to the report (in the upper right corner) with just one click.

Worth to remember:

  • The Rankings tab is not visible when you share surveys between few sub-accounts – each user has their own, not shared rankings.

  • Only tabular data is displayed in the rankings. It isn’t possible to create charts here.

  • Each ranking can be added as part of the report (PDF, HTML), in which it is also possible to change the sorting in columns.

  • If you don’t give the created ranking a name, it will be created automatically like this: [Row] {row title} [Column] {column title}.

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